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Announcing thePHP Curriculum
Sep 18, 2013 @ 16:22:31

The PHP.cc (a consulting firm made up of Sebastian Bergmann, Arne Blankerts and Stefan Priebsch) has officially announced their latest offering, thePHP Curriculum.

Beginning in early 2014, we will introduce thePHP Curriculum to our international clients, your best opportunity to become an expertly trained Certified Web Professional or Certified PHP Craftsman. The International (English) version of thePHP Curriculum expands upon its successful implementation this year in Germany.

The program aims to certify developers for various skill levels - Certified Web Professional and levels 1-3 of a Certified PHP Craftsman. It includes study materials, programming tasks, individual feedback and email support. The modules (and their order) is customizable so you can learn at your own speed and focus on the areas you'd like.

tagged: thephp curriculum professional craftsman certification study

Link: http://thephp.cc/viewpoints/blog/2013/09/announcing-thephp-curriculum

Dave Marshall's Blog:
Landing a PHP job Part 3: Curriculum Vitae
Dec 16, 2008 @ 15:36:17

Dave Marshall has posted part three of his series looking at how to land that perfect PHP job. In this part he focuses on the resume/curriculum vitae - often times your first impression to a potential employer.

In part two of this series, I discussed the technical know how I think will help get you your next PHP job. This part will discuss writing your Curriculum Vitae(CV, resume, etc.). There are a lot of contrasting opinions on this subject, I’ll make a few points, give you some further reading and you can adapt the opinions in to a top notch CV of your own. I’m no major expert and most of the recruitment I have been involved in has been for trainee developers, but these positions attract a high number of CVs, so I’ve seen a fair few.

He includes a few helpful hints like "Your CV does not get you a job", "Don't stuff your CV with keywords/acronyms" and some tips on formatting and proofreading.

tagged: curriculum vitae resume evolve keywords formatting proofread


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