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Anna Filina:
Brute-force countermeasures
Jun 11, 2014 @ 15:09:10

In her latest post Anna Filina has made some recommendations of countermeasures you can use to help prevent abuse against brute force attacks in your applications. The recommendations aren't PHP-specific, but they're a good guide and a place to start.

Password brute-forcing refers to trying all password permutations until the attacker finds the right one. Here are some of the most common ways to mitigate that risk: increase the length of the password and increase the number of possible characters. [...] The human factor should not be ignored here. People often use letters in the beginning and numbers at the end.

She recommends a few other tactics to helping prevent the brute forcing including locking an account after a number of unsuccessful login attempts and requiring a CAPTCHA after a number of unsuccessful logins. She recommends not relying on a single method to help prevent this kind of attack, however. Multiple layers can only help, but be careful not to introduce too much complexity.

tagged: brute force attack countermeasure password

Link: http://afilina.com/brute-force-countermesures

Securing Your Web Application Against Attacks
Oct 21, 2008 @ 13:47:32

DevShed continues their series focusing on the security of your web application in this fifth part of the series. This time they look at preventing attacks on your app via correct authentication.

You will probably recall from the last article that I mentioned the existence of two methods of authentication and discussed the first one, which is through an HTML form. In this article, the fifth one in an eight-part series, we'll start with the second method of authentication. We'll also discuss how attackers may gain access to your system.

This authentication method uses a simple form to let the user pass in their credentials. Unfortunately, because of its simplicity, this also opens it up to three kinds of attacks - password sniffing, reply attacks and brute force attacks.

tagged: secure application tutorial html form login password sniff brute force


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