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Laravel News:
Installing Bourbon and Neat with Laravel Elixir
Oct 06, 2016 @ 15:25:09

On the Laravel News site a tutorial has been published showing you how to install Bourbon and Neat with Laravel's "elixir" functionality (a wrapper around the popular Gulp installation tool for Javascript and CSS library handling.

Laravel Elixir is a wrapper that simplifies working with Gulp, it makes compiling, concating, minifying and versioning your JavaScript and CSS files very fluent and easy.

Because many projects using Bootstrap, when you start a new Laravel project, you will find that it is included by default as a basic starting point, but Laravel does not dictate which JavaScript or CSS frameworks you should use. One alternative is Bourbon and Neat created by thoughtbot.

Bourbon is a mixin library for Sass and Neat is a Bourbon addon for creating semantic grids. In this tutorial let’s take a look at how to setup these tools with Laravel Elixir.

They start with a brief overview of the Bourbon tool, showing how it helps to reduce the amount of duplicate code in your source files. There's also a bit about Neat, a responsive grid library that makes it easier to keep your layout "clean and semantic". With those defined they get into the installation of these two packages with two different approaches:

  • First installing Bourbon/Neat via npm then importing them in the SASS config
  • Or installing them via npm, edit the Gulp configuration then import them relatively

With either of these methods in place the Elixir tool can then run the compilation right alongside the other sources and push the resulting CSS out the other side including the Bourbon and Neat functionality.

tagged: laravel install configure elixir bourbon neat semantic clean tutorial

Link: https://laravel-news.com/2016/10/installing-bourbon-neat-laravel-elixir/

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