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Creating a PHP and CSS3 Powered About Page
Jul 13, 2011 @ 17:09:03

In this new tutorial from Tutorialzine.com, Martin Angelov shows you how to combine a bit of PHP, CSS3 and HTML to create a more functional "About" page for your site that shares contact information in multiple formats.

In this tutorial, we will be creating a simple about page that is powered by PHP, HTML5 and CSS3. It will present your contact information to your visitors, with an option for downloading it as a vCard (useful for importing it in third party applications). You can use today’s example as a placeholder for your upcoming personal website, or as an actual about page.

He includes all of the code, markup and styling you'll need to get it put together. The PHP is used to store the contact details and, based on a flag in the GET request (easily modifiable to any other method, like a HTTP header) it returns the basic page, a JSON set or a vcard of the contact data. The page also includes spots for linking to Facebook and Twitter accounts.

tagged: tutorial css3 html about page content json vcard


Ligaya Turmelle's Blog:
PHPWomen.org Latest
Oct 23, 2006 @ 15:49:00

Ligaya Turmelle, one of the founders of the PHP Women movement, has posted another update on the situation and the status of the group to her blog today.

OK - PHPWomen.org has been around for about 2 weeks now and we sure have been busy. Currently we have just under 50 registered users on the very active forums, a basic site set up with a page explaining what we are about as well as what we have planned for the site. We also have a couple of writers who are busy getting a couple of series articles together that will be published on the site.

She mentions that most of the traffic to the site is still just people getting to know each other and discovering other female PHP developers just around the corner. She again thanks all of those helping to make the group possible and to keep the ideas and new members flowing in by spreading the word to co-workers, over email - whatever your comunication method of choice is - to get more people involved.

tagged: phpwomen group involvement forums about plans phpwomen group involvement forums about plans


Ligaya Turmelle's Blog:
PHPWomen.org Latest
Oct 23, 2006 @ 15:49:00

Ligaya Turmelle, one of the founders of the PHP Women movement, has posted another update on the situation and the status of the group to her blog today.

OK - PHPWomen.org has been around for about 2 weeks now and we sure have been busy. Currently we have just under 50 registered users on the very active forums, a basic site set up with a page explaining what we are about as well as what we have planned for the site. We also have a couple of writers who are busy getting a couple of series articles together that will be published on the site.

She mentions that most of the traffic to the site is still just people getting to know each other and discovering other female PHP developers just around the corner. She again thanks all of those helping to make the group possible and to keep the ideas and new members flowing in by spreading the word to co-workers, over email - whatever your comunication method of choice is - to get more people involved.

tagged: phpwomen group involvement forums about plans phpwomen group involvement forums about plans


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