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Lukas Smith's Blog:
Chatting with Rasmus (part one)
Mar 31, 2008 @ 18:58:08

Lukas Smith got a chance to catch up with Rasmus Lerdorf (and others in #php.pecl) and "talk shop" about topics including handling large libraries and maxclients settings.

In this first post I will provide a link and some commentary on Rasmus's points regarding Doctrine (note I left independent chatter in the log in order to not have any chance of me filtering the content, but there is very little of that so I hope the discussion is still easy enough to follow).

  • Lukas introduces Doctrine briefly (what it does) along with some general thoughts on ORMs and making code a bit more bye code cache friendly.

  • tagged: rasmuslerdorf chat doctrine orm suggestion bytecode cache


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