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Writing a CMS/Community with Smarty and the Zend Framework: Part 9
Jan 22, 2008 @ 16:24:00

ProDevTips.com has posted part nine of their long-running series about using the Zend Framework (and Smarty) to create a CMS/Community website.

This piece covers creating a proper folder structure so that we can have a skin system. I've also created a folder for the admin section which is fully contained with it's own controllers folder and so on. Another unrelated change that has happened since the last part is sub menu logic which we will also take a look at.

They make updates to the bootstrap file to introduce another controller directory and, inside of that, create the Administrator controller and integrate it with a Smarty template to show different menu items if an admin user is logged in.

tagged: smarty cms community tutorial zendframework administration


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