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Ivo Jansch's Blog:
Book announcement: Enterprise PHP Development
Dec 28, 2007 @ 16:27:00

Ivo Jansch is very happy to announce that it's official - he will be authoring a book for php|architect all about PHP in the Enterprise:

It will be one of the first books about PHP that will not cover PHP code. It is loosely based on my 'enterprise PHP development' talk at the Zend UK Business Conference last year. It will cover the entire development lifecycle of a software project, but targeted at PHP development teams.

He points out that the first version of the book will be handed in in March so ideally it will be released soon after that. He's also open to ideas/content suggestions/etc that you might want to post to his blog for consideration.

tagged: book ivojansch enterprise development phparchitect book ivojansch enterprise development phparchitect


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