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Chris Hartjes' Blog:
The Story and Rebirth Of Zend_Service_Audioscrobbler, Part 1
Dec 12, 2007 @ 15:32:00

Chris Hartjes has posted the first part of a series on the "rebirth" of a component that was contributed to the Zend Framework - Zend_Service_Audioscrobbler (to interface with the Audioscrobbler service from Last.fm).

Many moons ago I set out (along with my friend Derek) to make a contribution to Zend Framework in the form of an add-on to let people easily access the Audioscrobbler web service. We worked really hard, implemented all the features of the web service at that time. Imagine our surprise when it got accepted as part of the 1.0 release of Zend Framework! Awesome! It even has it's own entry in the manual and everything.

He admits, though, that the code is not all that it could be and cites some examples as well as ways he would make it all work so much better.

tagged: audioscrobbler zendframework zendservice component audioscrobbler zendframework zendservice component


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