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Drawing Basic Rectangles in PDF Documents with PHP 5
Nov 20, 2007 @ 18:56:00

DevShed has continued their look at working with PDFs in a PHP5 application with this new part, part four, focusing on making a PDF with basic rectangles drawn in it.

All right, now that you know how to include basic blocks of text into a simple PDF file, in addition to incorporating some images, the question that comes up here is: what's the next step to take? Well, in this fourth part of the series I'm going to show you how to draw a few basic shapes, once a PDF document has been opened, like empty and filled rectangles, which can be useful if you want to decorate the document with these kinds of forms.

The tutorial walks you through the creation of another sample PDF file (with text and an image) and shows the process for adding rectangles via the rect() function call on their PDFLib class.

tagged: php5 rectangle pdf tutorial document image text php5 rectangle pdf tutorial document image text


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