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Derick Rethans' Blog:
eZ Components 2007.2alpha1
Nov 15, 2007 @ 16:21:00

Derick Rethans has pointed out the release of the latest alpha version of the eZ Components framework - 2007.2alpha1.

We've just released the first alpha version of the new eZ Components release, for which the full version is due to be released somewhere next month. There are two new components, but also many improvements to existing components. The new components are: Tree and Webdav.

The Tree component makes working with tree-based structures (via two tieins for the component - TreeDatabaseTiein & TreePersistentObjectTiein) and the Webdav component allows for the quick and easy addition of WevDAV functionality to your application.

tagged: ezcomponents framework release component webdav tree ezcomponents framework release component webdav tree


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