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Kore Nordmann's Blog:
eZ Components book in the press
Oct 05, 2007 @ 17:03:00

Kore Nordmann has a quick post about the progress of his and Tobias Schlitt's German eZ Components book:

Tobys and my book about eZ Components, published by Galileo Computing, has passed the second gelley-proof and will be published very soon. As Toby blogged earlier we invested quite some work into this project, and somehow I feel sorry for the time not invested in other projects, but once we will have the finished book in our hands, and not just the gelley-proof PDF, I am sure, that the work will prove as worth the effort.

According to the Amazon.de information the book will be published in November and will come in at around 350 pages. Their price is just a bit under 35 Euro.

tagged: ezcomponents book presss release november component ezcomponents book presss release november component


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