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Stefan Mischook's Blog:
Installing PHP and MySQL on the Mac with MAMP
Sep 14, 2007 @ 18:58:00

Stefan Mischook has taken a little time out from his beginner's guides to PHP to post today about the simplest way to set up PHP and MySQL on a Mac - MAMP.

In my beginners php videos, I recommended XAMPP as the way to easily install Apache, PHP, MySQL on a MAC. [...] This nifty little application allows you to (really easily) install Apache, PHP and MySQL. You are provided with a standard DMG file that you simply drag to your applications folder.

He includes screenshots, details on what the package contains, sample code using it and, of course, the Dashboard widget to start and stop the Apache and MySQL servers.

tagged: mamp apache install mysql osx mac download screenshot dashboard mamp apache install mysql osx mac download screenshot dashboard


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