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Internet Super Hero Blog:
Debugging ext/mysqli and mysqlnd
Sep 03, 2007 @ 13:56:00

With all of the good news they've posted about the mysqlnd driver, the developers behind the Internet Super Hero blog know that there will be bugs that come up in the driver. So, they've addressed the right way to find and deal with these issues in a new blog entry.

he bad news: mysqlnd might have bugs. How to report and debug these bugs - using mysqli_debug() - is subject of this posting.

They step you through the process for finding out what's causing the problems (internal versus external debugging) and how to make client traces with the mysqi extension to make it even easier for the developers to track down the problem. They also suggest a few things to send along with your bug report - like the PHP code calling it or the SQL you're using to select/update/insert/delete the data from your database.

tagged: debugging mysqlnd mysqli external internal client trace debugging mysqlnd mysqli external internal client trace


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