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Brian Nelson's Blog:
Writing A Reverse Proxy in PHP5
Jul 18, 2007 @ 20:55:00

Brian Nelson submitted a link to a new class he's developed to fill a hole he hand and didn't see anything that would easily fill it - having a reverse proxy in PHP5.

So I have been working on a little class to run a reverse proxy from PHP using cURL. I have extended this class for my own purposes (single-sign-on) to handle some special request parameters, but here it is. It has some warts, but it's a good starting point. I would appreciate any pointers anyone has to offer.

His code uses the cURL functionality to set up a handler to push the requests through. Also included are an htaccess file and a two-line PHP example of how to use it to request a public site.

tagged: curl php5 proxy reverse tutorial modproxy htaccess curl php5 proxy reverse tutorial modproxy htaccess


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