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Handling Cookies and File Data with the Factory Pattern in PHP 5
Jul 02, 2007 @ 17:56:00

Continuing on with their look at the Factory Pattern (part one), DevShed has part two posted - a look at applying what was learned previously into a simple cookie-handling and file manipulation script.

At this stage you should have a more accurate idea of how to include the factory pattern into your own PHP applications, at least at a very basic level. But don't you worry because this scenario is going to change quickly, since in this second tutorial I'm going to teach you how to take advantage of the capacity offered by the pattern to create objects that are capable of saving data to different locations, including files and cookies.

The tutorial starts off by creating the classes needed to save strings and objects based off of the abstract DataSaverFactory class. On top of this, they build the classes to save the cookies and work with the files using the Factory objects.

tagged: php5 factory designpattern cookie file tutorial php5 factory designpattern cookie file tutorial


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