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Evert Pot's Blog:
PHP serializer in userland code
Jun 21, 2007 @ 14:43:00

In this new blog post today, Evert Pot shares some thoughts on a custom solution he was looking to create as an alternative for PHP's serialize function.

I wanted to build this as a helper class for a draft-PHP-RPC server. The reason I needed a custom one was because I wanted to make sure I would be able to spit out PHP4-compatible serialized data, and in the future, when its ported to PHP6, also PHP5-compatible data.

He came across several issues in the development process including the slowness of his method compared to serialize() and a lack of a way to tell if two variables reference the same data. If you'd like to check out what he has so far, he's tagged: serialize phprcp server data alternative serialize phprcp server data alternative


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