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Zend Developer Zone:
PHP Abstract Episode 5: Using the Zend Toolbars For Debugging & Profiling Apps
Jun 19, 2007 @ 17:58:11

The Zend Developer Zone has posted their latest edition of their podcast - PHP Abstract. In this episode Yossi Leno looks at using the Zend Toolbars to work in your applications.

Our special guest for this episode of the PHP Abstract podcast is Yossi is the product manager for the development tools group at Zend. He is going to talk to us today about using the Zend Browser Toolbars for Debugging and Profiling your applications.

There's two ways to get the new show - download it directly or subscribe to their feed and get the latest ones hand delivered. They've also started a new program to help bring in more community input into the podcast (oh, and they pay too - $75) for making your contribution.

tagged: phpabstract yossileno zend toolbar debug profile application phpabstract yossileno zend toolbar debug profile application


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