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Handling Result Sets and More with PDO Objects in PHP 5
Jun 04, 2007 @ 18:47:00

DevShed continues their series looking at using PDO objects in PHP with part two, a look at handling the result sets in your PHP5 code.

All in all, at this point you hopefully learned how to use some basic methods included with this PHP extension, but logically you may want to learn a few additional ones, so you can have a more polished picture of the overall functionality of the library in question. [...] I'm going to show you how to use the PDO extension to handle different database result sets in all sort of clever ways, in addition to performing some common tasks, like counting rows and columns as well.

He starts with an example of the best place to start - fetching the results set from the database backend. In these simple examples, use the prepare, execute and fetch functions to get the results. Taking it one step further, they move into the use of the fetchAll function to grab columns and rows in the results as well.

tagged: php5 pdo resultset tutorial php5 pdo resultset tutorial


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