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Zend Developer Zone:
Zend Framework's MVC Introduces the ViewRenderer
May 28, 2007 @ 12:44:34

On the Zend Developer Zone, Matthew Weir O'Phinney has posted an announcement about the latest development on the Zend Framework front - the ViewRenderer module.

Yesterday, I committed a change to core in preparation for the 1.0.0RC1 release that, while breaking backwards compatibility slightly, will also greatly simplify the integration between the controller and view components.

One developer, Ralph Schindler, felt it didn't go far enough, and posted an issue in the framework issue tracker detailing an idea he had for adding more integrated View dependency injection to Zend_Controller_Action. After some thought and discussion with him, I countered with a new action helper, the ViewRenderer.

This new bit of functionality allows you to get rid of those pesky view objects in Controllers, set default rendering options for the controllers, let you autorender view scripts based on the current action and much more.

Check out the post for some example code.

tagged: zendframework viewrenderer component zendframework viewrenderer component


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