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Tiffany Brown's Blog:
What's your favorite PHP framework?
Apr 17, 2007 @ 15:03:00

Tiffany Brown asks (in a new post) which is your favorite PHP framework:

So I'm making my first foray into PHP frameworks. I'm tinkering with CodeIgniter right now. [...] Though I like CodeIgniter’s OO-MVC approach, I'm not wedded to it. I'm also very interested in what else is out there.

So, she asks for a little feedback from her readers - which one are you using, which is your favorite of the ones you've tried, and which one would you recommend? She also lists out links to several of the more popular PHP frameworks like CakePHP, PHP on TRAX, Solar and WASP. So leave a comment - share your opinion on your favorite framework.

tagged: framework codeigniter opinion framework codeigniter opinion


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