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5 useful PHP functions for MySQL data fetching
Mar 21, 2007 @ 22:31:00

The AnyExample.com tutorial site has a quick article for PHP/MySQL developers out there with 5 useful functions that can help you in your database development.

PHP usually comes with mysql extension mysql (mysql_... functions) which is rather low-level and requires writing too much code for a trivial tasks: error-checked execution of SQL queries, getting single row from SQL table, getting value from SQL table cell, etc. OOP mysqli extension isn't any better. In this article we present 5 useful functions which greatly simplify majority of real-life MySQL operations.

All of these helpful functions mentioned work with both PHP4 and PHP5, so no one's left out. They are:

  • good_query
  • good_query_list
  • good_query_assoc
  • good_query_value
  • good_query_table
All of these can be added easily by grabbing their source and including it into your application.

tagged: useful function mysql data fetch debug handling useful function mysql data fetch debug handling


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