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Working With Fractions In CSS and PHP
Feb 12, 2007 @ 15:03:00

Evolt.org has an interesting new article posted today about combining CSS and PHP to display fractions correctly on your pages.

Most of us are uncomfortable with using fractions when writing programs. If we encounter a fraction, we will first convert it into a floating point number (with decimals) and proceed from there. Most programming languages would prefer to use 0.5 as opposed to 1/2 because the later might conflict with the syntax of the languages. In this article, I will discuss my attempt to work with fractions in one of the PHP projects that I have done.

They start with the CSS to handle the output before moving into the PHP code. The code given will take in a decimal number and do its best to match it up with a fraction string value out of an array. The result is the echoed out with sup and sub tags to create the correct effect.

tagged: fractions css sup sub html tutorial match array fractions css sup sub html tutorial match array


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