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International PHP Magazine:
Poll Question: What is the Top Mistake That PHP Coders Commit?
Feb 07, 2007 @ 16:43:00

The International PHP Magazine has posted results from their latest PHP community poll as voted on by visitors to their site. The question for this poll asked developers what they thought, of the choices on the list, was the most common mistake that PHP developers make.

Coming in at number one by an overwhelming lead was "Not escaping entities and SQL input" (a definite problem indeed) with the next highest option, "Not using a Framework" a full twenty percent lower. The next two options were closer (descending) - "Using old PHP versions" and "No or little use of Object Orientation".

There's a new poll this week for your consideration - this time asking which stage, of the five options, should come first in the development cycle of a typical content management system. Head on over and cast your vote today!

tagged: mistake coder escape entity sql framework version oop cms mistake coder escape entity sql framework version oop cms


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