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Sebastian Begmann's Blog:
Partitioning with Dates in MySQL 5.1
Feb 01, 2007 @ 14:03:00

In a new blog entry from Sebastian Bergmann, he looks at some of the issues and bugs that have been submitted to him about the phpOpenTracker project. He takes on one in particular - the database schema.

The biggest problem with phpOpenTracker 1.x is that its database schema is normalized. Even simple phpOpenTracker API calls result in (possibly multiple) SQL queries that involve multiple tables. [...] While the denormalization should eliminate the JOIN-related performance problems, temporal partitioning of the data can further increase the performance.

He talks about what kind of support MySQL currently has for it (5.1) and how, unfortunately, it might not work for his situation (the maximum number of partitions).

tagged: partitioning mysql database phpopentracker issue partitioning mysql database phpopentracker issue


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