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ATK Blog:
PHP5 adoption - a summary
Dec 20, 2006 @ 16:44:17

On the ATK blog today, Ivo Jansch has posted a great overview of the current state of PHP5 adoption and the varying perspectives on it.

Maybe we can derive some lessons from this for the future, how to handle the release of PHP6 for example; which parties we should target, and how we should approach the release. In any case, here is the result of my analysis. If I left something out, feel free to provide additional comments.

He takes a look at things from five different perspectives:

  • Developer (distributable software)
  • Developer (tailor made software)
  • Hosting Provider
  • OS Distributions
  • End User
For each, he touches on who they are, why they should make the move up to PHP5, what might be keeping them from it and a solution that would help them upgrade with the least amount of problems.

tagged: php5 adoption summary developer hosting provider enduser php5 adoption summary developer hosting provider enduser


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