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User Management in a PHP Invoicing System
Sep 27, 2006 @ 15:30:00

DevShed has posted the last part in their look at the creation of an invoicing system to help you manage your clients today. This time, they focus on the management of users of the system (not the clients to invoice, that was this part).

In this fourth and final article covering the creation of a PHP invoicing system, we're going to put together the user management section. In this section we will be able to view all available users and do all the associated things like deleting or updating user details. We are also going to be able to add new users.

They start with grabbing the information of the current users of the system and listing them out. This allows simple modification and deletion of any of the users on the list. They give the code (and screenshots) for the user modification screen and show you how to set up an email reminder that sends out to the clients when a bill hasn't been paid.

tagged: user management invoice system delete update email reminder user management invoice system delete update email reminder


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