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Jonathan Diehl's Wiki:
Ajax ActiveTable
Aug 08, 2006 @ 11:18:46

Jonathan Diehl has submitted a new tutorial today about the creation (and demonstration) of an Ajax ActiveTable with a little help from the Sajax library.

The ActiveTable library creates an editable HTML table from a MySQL database table. The ActiveTable library consists of two classes and a few lines of JavaScript, embedded in a typical environment of a php website. The AJAX calls are realized using the Sajax Toolikit, which must be downloaded and installed separately.

The functionality allows the user to both create and remove rows of data from the database directly with a few simple calls back to a server-side handler to do the work. It can also dynamically create a table for the MySQL data it's looking at to make setup even easier.

The best part? The code for the project is ready for download to be used right away.

tagged: ajax activetable sajax library database table add remove ajax activetable sajax library database table add remove


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