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Henri Bergius's Blog:
MidCOM on PHP5, finally
Aug 03, 2006 @ 16:50:57

Henri Bergius has posted this new item on his blog today talking about a real hurdle overcome - having MidCOM up and working on PHP 5.1.

Thanks to the efforts by Solt and Piotras, we finally have the MidCOM, the Midgard Component Framework running on top of PHP 5.1.

While we got PHP5 support into Midgard already in August 2004, the big issue has been the tens of thousands of lines of code in the MidCOM framework that had several PHP4 constructions.

You can grab this latest release with the CVS version combined with updates from Subversion to get things up and working with PHP 5.1.

tagged: midcom component framework php5 midgard midcom component framework php5 midgard


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