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Overloading Classes in PHP 5
Jul 26, 2006 @ 10:53:51

DevShed is wrapping up their "Overloading in PHP" series today with this last part - "Overloading Classes in PHP5".

It's time to move on and continue exploring the subject, since there are still a few additional topics that need to be covered. So, what's comes next now? All right, in this last part of the series, I'll be explaining how to overload classes specifically in PHP 5, which offers native support for overloading class members and methods, without having to explicitly call the PHP built-in "overload()" function.

They look first at using the __get method to replace __set in their previous code to save data out to a file. Then, to illustrate even more enhanced functionality, they implement __get and __set at the same time in a class, using them to grab values and set values to properties. Finally, they throw __call into the mix, showing how to overload method calls too.

tagged: overloading part3 tutorial classes php5 get set call overloading part3 tutorial classes php5 get set call


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