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The Shadow Fox Network:
Building an RSS Feed From a Database
Jun 08, 2006 @ 11:59:07

Everyone and everything is connected these days, it seems like. One of the keys to these connections is the use of things like RSS (really simple syndication) feeds to share your site's contents with the world. Don't have one yet? No worries, this tutorial from The Shadow Fox Network can help you create one.

I've covered the basics of creating RSS in another article already, the My First RSS Feed article. But in this article, you're going to learn how to make and update the RSS feed automatically using PHP.

If you want to see the basic end result, you can check out the mock demo I made of it where you can add your own rows and it will create an RSS file from it named rss.xml.

It's a pretty simple script - pulls from the database, loops through the results, and formats it into the RSS standardized format. All of the PHP and XML formatting that you'll need is given.

tagged: tutorial build rss feed database xml tutorial build rss feed database xml


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