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Ruby on Rails for PHP developers
May 26, 2006 @ 17:02:52

Unless you've been coding under a rock somewhere, there's no doubt that you've heard of Ruby on Rails. Have you tried it, though? Well, if you're hesitant to take the plunge into this other language, at least you can get an idea of what it's like from posts like this on palmcoder.net.

My first experience of web site design was in PHP, no frameworks, just purely PHP and MySQL. With all the fuss about Ruby on Rails, and some pushing from Vish about the merits of writing apps in a proper framework (namely Ruby on Rails) I decided to take the plunge and write my next project in RoR.

So this post is for those people who like me are writing apps in PHP on a page by page basis or using a rough framework like Drupal or something else.

He spends most of the post talking about the Model-View-Controller framework style that is at the heart of RoR and a bit of how it compares to both programming in general and, more specifically, to his previous PHP development. He also finishes it off with some "things to look at" in the form of links to other RoR tutorials.

tagged: rubyonrails developers introduction framework mvc rubyonrails developers introduction framework mvc


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