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Daniel Krook's Blog:
Public draft - Developing PHP Applications for IBM Data Servers
Apr 18, 2006 @ 01:40:32

Daniel Krook has a quick note on his blog today about the posting of a public draft IBM has posted of the Redbook he's been working on.

IBM has provided a public draft of the Redbook I wrote with a team of specialists in San Jose earlier this year. The book is undergoing a final editorial process to fix grammar, spelling and layout issues and to incorporate input from technical reviewers.

Please give it a read and pass your comments on to the editors via the feedback link on that page.

The draft includes infromation on developing real-world applications with PHP and DB2/Informix IDS/Cloudscape with various database interfaces (including PDO and ibm_db2). It also has installation instructions for setting up the IBM data servers with Apache and the Zend Core/Studio software.

tagged: develop application ibm data server installation develop application ibm data server installation


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