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Community News:
Reminder of First php|architect Pro-PHP Podcast
Jan 26, 2006 @ 12:53:49

As a reminder, the first show of the partnership between php|architect and the Pro-PHP Podcast is happening tomorrow - an interview with Andi Gutmans of Zend.

You can still signup to attend and be able to interact with the guest in real-time via php|architect's webcast system. It's happening on Friday, January 27th (2006) at 1PM Eastern time.

With an ever-growing presence in the enterprise market, as well as a huge number of initiatives such as the Collaboration Project and the Zend Framework, Zend is positioning itself as the leader of PHP in the commercial and professional world.

In this interview, Marcus and Andi will discuss the latest developments in the Zend camp, PHP 6 and the future of PHP and its growing role in the enterprise.

So, it be sure you have your spot for the interview, head over and register now!

tagged: php|architect pro-php podcast andi gutmans php|architect pro-php podcast andi gutmans


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