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Sebastian Bergmann's Blog:
Fluent Interface in PHPUnit 3.0
Jan 20, 2006 @ 13:07:48

A little while back, the topic of "fluent interfaces" came up on several different blogs. Continuing that train of thought, Sebastian Bergmann has posted this new item over on his blog that highlights some of the "fluent interface" structures that PHPUnit 3.0 will allow.

One topic that has made a few appearances (#1, #2, #3) in PHP-related blogs lately is that of Fluent Interfaces. A good example of a fluent interface is the API of jMock.

PHPUnit 3.0 provides the same fluent interface for configuring its Mock Objects (because PHPUnit's implementation of Mock Objects is a port of jMock).

He shows a code exmaple of how to get it all working, showing how to create a chain of methods that leads to more readable, "fluent" code...

tagged: fluent interface phpunit 3.0 jmock object fluent interface phpunit 3.0 jmock object


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