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Error Handling in PHP - Introducing Exceptions in PHP 5
Jan 19, 2006 @ 12:53:22

Today, Devshed as posted the second and last part in their "Error Handling in PHP" series - Introducing Exceptions in PHP 5.

Welcome to the last part of the series “Error Handling in PHP.” In two parts, this series introduces the basics of error handling in PHP. It demonstrates some of the most common methods for manipulating errors in PHP 4, and explains the implementation of exceptions in PHP 5, particularly in object-oriented environments.

They introduce things like try/catch blocks as well as more complex items like custom exceptions and exception subclassing. They start with the basics, but quickly move into grabbing more detailed error information, working with the various error types, and extending the Exception class with subclasses to make it more flexible...

tagged: error handling part two introducing exceptions php5 error handling part two introducing exceptions php5


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