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Richard Heyes' Blog:
PHP Console Class
Jan 09, 2006 @ 12:51:35

On his blog today, Richard Heyes notes that he's created a new class that combines some of the most common console-script functionality into once place - Console.

Just added a new class called Console, which wraps up some common Console script related functionality. All the methods are static, and it's PHP5 only. Methods include:

  • Console::Pause()
  • Console::BooleanQuestion()
  • Console::ClearScreen()
  • Console::GetLine()
  • Console::ShowMenu()

You can grab a copy of the class here as well as an example of its usage, showing how to build a menu and have the user input their information...

tagged: console class build menu booleanQuestion getLine clearScreen console class build menu booleanQuestion getLine clearScreen


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