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Professional PHP Blog:
Zend Framework Webcast
Dec 06, 2005 @ 13:16:35

On the Professional PHP blog today, there's this new post with their own perspective on all of the whole Zend Framework info that's been flying around, including the php|architect webcast.

I guess I missed the Zend PHP Framework webcast on Friday. I was looking forward to it, but I signed up a while ago and forgot about it. By the time I got the reminder email, it was too late. Fortunately, the recording is now available. If you have an interest in ZPF or frameworks in general, you should watch this.

I won't try to summarize the webcast here, but instead offer a few impressions.

He notes that, while being informative, the webcast still didnt answer some of his questions "about the structure of the front controller and form processing", the choice of static methods over dynamic ones, possible "connection management" issues, and package dependencies...

tagged: zend framework webcast opinions zend framework webcast opinions


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