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Exakat Blog:
Up and running exakat in 15 mins
Jun 01, 2017 @ 16:32:41

On the Eakat blog they've written up a post showing you how to get the scanner up and running quickly on your system and start performing scans of the code based on their ruleset.

Exakat is a smart static analysis engine for PHP. It reviews the code fast and produces reports tailored for every needs : issues and code smell for programmers, inventories and maps for architect ; compilation and configurations lists for sys admins ; dashboards for team leaders. Including over 320 analysis and spanning versions from 5.2 to currently WIP 7.2, it helps you audit your code and keep it under control. Let’s see how to get up and running exakat in 15 mins.

The post then walks you through the installation process and defines some prerequisites you'll need before getting started. The Exakat installation is basically just grabbing a phar archive from the exakat.io server. Once it's installed they show you how to run your first scans and view the resulting output. The guide also shows you how to add additional options to the reporting and the command to update Exakat itself.

tagged: exakat scanner tool setup configuration quickstart tutorial

Link: https://www.exakat.io/up-and-running-with-exakat/

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