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Building Your Startup: Requesting Scheduling Changes
Feb 07, 2017 @ 18:44:23

The TutsPlus.com site has continued their "Building Your Startup" series with this new article enhancing the application they've already created to send requests for scheduling changes.

As the Meeting Planner alpha testing phase began, the clearest feature gap was the inability to change a meeting after it had been scheduled. It's not an easy problem. Is it okay to just change a meeting without a participant's permission? Or should you ask? Or do either, depending on your role in organizing the meeting? What if you just want to ask if it's okay to meet 15 minutes later—that should be easy, right?

Solving all this required some reflecting on the social aspects of adjusting a meeting. Over time, I realized that the ability to adjust meetings easily after they've been scheduled could make or break the Meeting Planner brand.

He then starts out by describing the "tall mountain to climb" in the number of changes to backend, frontend and UX/UI functionality required to add the feature. He includes all of the code changes and additions that need to be made including:

  • migrations to add new tables
  • UI updates to add options for rescheduling requests
  • form changes
  • handling request submissions

Each point on the list includes code, screenshots and anything else that was required to make the update.

tagged: startup build scheduling change yii2 tutorial ui backend frontend

Link: https://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/building-your-startup-requesting-scheduling-changes--cms-27076

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