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Alejandro Celaya:
Run PHPUnit tests inside a docker container from PhpStorm
Feb 02, 2017 @ 17:14:04

Alejandro Celaya has a tutorial posted on his site showing you how you can improve your PHP workflow by running your unit tests in a Docker container from inside of PHPStorm.

Docker is, without any doubt, the trending tool these days. Everybody wants to use it, because it is very useful, allowing to easily generate development environments for any kind of application.

A couple months ago I started working with docker myself (it has taken me a while, I know), and now I can't imagine working without it. I started using it at work, but now I'm migrating all of my OSS projects too.

With Docker involved things get a bit more tricky when it comes to running your unit tests directly from PHPStorm (unlike local where it's just a few clicks away). Thankfully recent versions of PHPStorm come with a feature in the "Build, Execution, Deployment" that lets you define the location of the Docker executable. Then you'll need to set up a remote interpreter to link to the PHP binary then take that and link it back to the Docker installation. He ends the post showing how you can ensure it's working complete with a screenshot of the console showing the test results.

tagged: phpunit docker phpstorm container ide tutorial unittest

Link: https://blog.alejandrocelaya.com/2017/02/01/run-phpunit-tests-inside-docker-container-from-phpstorm/

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