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Laravel News:
Building a culture of trust: Why sharing is good for you and your career
Dec 12, 2016 @ 17:20:17

On the Laravel News site there's a recent post by Sharon Steed talking about building a culture of trust and why sharing is good on both a personal and corporate level for your career (and not just in technology).

I speak about empathy on teams and why vulnerability is a great asset in your professional life. Sharing ideas falls right in line with my own ideology, but I also understand why people are so terrified to offer up opinions.

[...] I’m constantly amazed at how many people refuse to talk about projects they are working on for fear of others trying to swipe the idea. I’m even more so surprised at people who go out of their way to not share ideas with bosses or coworkers. Yes, there is absolutely a chance that someone else will take credit for that idea. The nature of working with other people, however, is that of collaboration.

She goes on to give some example situations, how sharing and trust between people plays and role and how many are realizing the value of being open. She gives examples of companies that are following this same idea on a corporate level like Buffer, Zappos and Landmark (an oil and gas software company). She ends the post with some practical advice on how you can help foster this culture of trust in your own company and career.

tagged: culture trust career opinion sharing personal corporate

Link: https://laravel-news.com/sharing

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