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Liip Blog:
A quick look on the current state of Drupal 8 (ecosystem)
Jul 08, 2016 @ 15:26:31

In a new post to the Liip blog Lennart Jegge shares a "quick look" at the current state of the Drupal 8 project and some of the issues some people are having making the transition.

Eight months ago Drupal 8.0.0 was released. Exciting news for drupalists. Since then comparing D8’s features to its predecessor is a topic in daily business. "Can drupal 8 do what we can do now with 7 today?". After playing around with D8 i get the feeling some crucial features are missing.

He shares some of the features he sees as still missing (a Top 10 wishlist) and how it seems difficult to get a good overview of the Drupal 8 ecosystem. Some modules have yet to be updated and rewrites can be difficult given the major "under the covers" changes to Drupal itself.

In the end the importance of a variety of mature modules that play together nicely is crucial when it comes to efficiency, maintainability and stability of a project
tagged: drupal8 ecosystem overview opinion features upgrade issues

Link: https://blog.liip.ch/archive/2016/07/07/quick-look-current-state-drupal-8-ecosystem.html

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