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Frank de Jonge:
Finally, file streams, and deferred execution in PHP.
Jun 03, 2016 @ 16:26:52

In a post to his site Frank de Jonge looks at a few different topics around the idea of "cleaning up after yourself" when it comes to the use of finally, file streams and deferred execution.

Cleaning up after yourself can be a tedious task. For example, closing file handlers after using them needs to be done. A programmer's life isn't all about the happy path. When things go pear-shaped you might end up duplicating cleanup code throughout your code. This is horrible, let's explore an alternative.

He starts by looking at the use of resources for file handling instead of something like file_get_contents. Along with this, however, comes "less happy" things to do around cleanup of the resource in case of error or when complete. He suggests that it can be better handled and, after comparing a PHP function version to a Go function doing the same, refactors to make use of finally to close the resource in one place (and it is always called exception on exception). He refactors it even more by splitting it out into a "cleanup" function that can be reused in other places where resources are accessed.

tagged: finally file resource trycatch cleanup tutorial

Link: https://blog.frankdejonge.nl/finally-file-streams-and-deferred-execution-in-php/

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