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Zend Developer Zone:
PHP 7 Quick Overview
Sep 21, 2015 @ 18:51:26

On the Zend Developer Zone they've posted an article talking about the upcoming major version of PHP, PHP 7, and what you can expect from it. It's a brief overview of the new features and functionality included in this big update.

PHP7 is around the corner. According to the wiki time table if everything goes well, it is expected to be released in November 2015. Many of us are excited to learn the language level features and it’s performance.

The article touches on the highlights of:

  • Performance boosts
  • Null Coalesce Operator
  • Scalar Type Hints
  • Weak type mode
  • Strict mode
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Return Type Declaration
  • Reserve More Types in PHP 7
  • Timezone warning

There's a lot of new things coming, so check out this guide for a quick overview and to get up to speed before it's here.

tagged: php7 overview introduction list feature improvement

Link: http://devzone.zend.com/6656/php-7-quick-overview/

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