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Source Blog:
Good Code Runs on Good Communication
Sep 18, 2015 @ 16:10:27

On the Source blog there's a great post that reinforces something that all developers should keep in mind when developing their applications: good code runs on good communication. "Tech language" barriers can make this difficult, but this post gives you a few suggestions on places to start improving.

When I started the interactive team at the Sun Sentinel in 2013, I thought the biggest challenge would be the code. I was wrong. [...] It wasn’t always easy. When you need someone on your side, but they don’t speak the same tech language, it can be very difficult. Investing (not necessarily financially, but emotionally and mentally) in creating a space where teams can work better together is key. Here are some strategies for overcoming the language barrier to make collaboration smoother.

They recommend things like:

  • having face-to-face conversations to work out the best solutions
  • avoiding assumptions about skill levels
  • pausing to check and ensure everyone understands the current state of conversation
  • agreeing on common terms and naming

Finally, they make a recommendation that could make some of the developers out their cringe a bit: "document the madness". As they point out, having good documentation of not only the result of the work but also the process along the way can be crucial for future work and others not directly involved in the process to review.

tagged: good code communication opinion recommendation language conversation

Link: https://source.opennews.org/en-US/articles/code-runs-communication/

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