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Installing and Using PHPMyAdmin with WordPress
Jan 06, 2015 @ 17:27:04

The NetTuts.com site has a new tutorial showing you how to get PHPMyAdmin and WordPress up and working together. They show how it can be used to aid in a low level kind of administration of the WordPress data not available through the WordPress interface.

PHPMyAdmin - or PMA - is an excellent free, open source web-based database client which can be used to interact more easily with MySQL and WordPress databases. I'll describe how to install it, secure it and some common scenarios with which it can assist you in WordPress administration.

They walk you through all the steps you'll need to get it up and running (and playing nicely together):

  • Installing PHPMyAdmin
  • Install apache2-utils to use htaccess/htpasswd
  • Change the Apache configuration's AllowOverride setting
  • Creating the database for the WordPress installation
  • Backing up the database

There's also some other helpful topics like doing a site migration, reset your administrator password and doing search and replace cross multiple records (posts).

tagged: install phpmyadmin wordpress tutorial configure

Link: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/installing-and-using-phpmyadmin-with-wordpress--cms-21944

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