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March 2014 Issue Released - The New PHP
Mar 19, 2014 @ 16:17:00

The php[architect] publishing group has just released the latest edition of their magazine, the March 2014 issue. This issue, titled "The New PHP" includes articles like:

  • "Leveraging PHP 5.5" (Dirk Merkel)
  • "Coming Soon to a PHP Near You!" (David Rogers)
  • "The Confident Coder: Confident, Not Cocky" (Aaron Saray)
  • "Education Station: Getting Started with Phavour-Template" (Matt Setter)
  • "Laravel Tips: Adding Real Template Engines to Laravel 4" (Dirk Merkel)

You can pick up a single copy of you own from the php[architect] site or you can subscribe to a fill year of their print or PDF versions and get PHP goodness like this all year long.

tagged: phparchitect mar2014 issue release newphp

Link: http://www.phparch.com/2014/03/march-2014-phparchitect-magazine-released/

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