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Sameer Borate:
Debugging Laravel with MonoLog and FirePHP
Jun 07, 2013 @ 14:08:37

Sameer Borate has a new post to his site showing you how to debug a Laravel application with Monolog and FirePHP.

By default, Laravel is configured to create daily log files for your application, and are stored in app/storage/logs. All Laravel logging features are handled by the wonderful MonoLog library. Monolog includes various log handlers you can use – FirePHP, ChromePHP, CouchDB, Stream and many more. One of my favorites is FirePHP while debugging PHP apps.

Getting Monolog to write out to FirePHP is pretty easy and he includes the sample code to make it happen - basically pushing a "FirePHPHandler" into the Monolog instance and using it from there.

tagged: debug laravel monolog firephp handler tutorial

Link: http://www.codediesel.com/laravel/debuggin-laravel-with-monolog-and-firephp

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