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Building software from scratch vs learning a framework, before applying to jobs
Feb 13, 2013 @ 18:17:32

On Reddit.com a user has asked a question about frameworks versus writing things from scratch - which would provide them with more advantages in the future?

When applying for PHP jobs would it be more advantageous to have made your own software without the use of a framework? I'm starting a portfolio of projects and I'm unsure whether to stick to one framework and learn it well, use a variety of them, or also try building software from scratch. Which would look better to a prospective employer? or does it not matter too much? (considering I'm talking junior roles)

Recommendations from the comments including things like:

  • "Making your own software is always a better qualification. Because doing your own frameworks means that you understood the general concept of frameworks. But it doesn't hurt to be familiar with the big ones"
  • "It doesn't matter. Show that you know how to write good quality code."
  • "Frameworks change, the language doesn't. With a good understanding of the language itself, you should be able to pick up any framework fairly quickly."
  • "I think you need to know enough of the underlying language to understand what the framework is doing for you. Typically that comes from folks rolling their own framework for awhile"

Read the rest of the comments (or make your own contribution) on the full post.

tagged: reddit opinion framework software learn


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