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Till Klampaeckel's Blog:
Contributing to PEAR: Taking over packages
Feb 22, 2011 @ 20:45:53

Till Klampaeckel has posted a few suggestions for you if you'd like the take the reigns of a PEAR package when it's not maintained.

One of the more frequent questions I see on the mailing lists and IRC is, "How do I take over a package?". Very often people start to use a PEAR package and then at some point encounter either a bug or they miss a certain feature. The package's state however is inactive or flat unmaintained.

He recommends a few different courses of action - first asking if there's a way to help out, then stepping it up and pushing the fixes in yourself and, finally, deciding if you really do want to maintain the package (and show it by contributing).

tagged: pear contribute package manage opinion


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